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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


We all had a reader’s theatre event at Wells Bangna Campus, which is another campus of my school, that only goes up till Kindergarten. We were separated into small groups of 5-6 and every group got a different book to read and act out to the kids. We practiced every Tuesday and Thursday for 3 hours total in a week. We practiced books for around 3 weeks. We eventually went to present our book to the little ones. The book that my team got was Pom Pom Get’s The Grumps, by Sofy Henn. Overall, it was an amazing experience and we enjoyed a lot with the kids and reading the books to them was a never forgettable experience. This event taught me how to read things out in different ways, to people with different age groups, and it also taught me to get more close to the little kids. It was an amazing experience and I look forward to more experiences like this.


CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


I have been doing World Scholars Cup since I was in grade 6. I've been to 4 regional rounds (in Bangkok) and 2 global rounds. The first global round I attended was located in Bangkok itself, and the second one I went to was in Vietnam. I've had a lot of experience in terms of the individual events in WSC. World Scholar's Cup is a very fun experience that happens once every year in each country or state. It happens in Bangkok every year during March and the globals happen in one country decided later and everyone comes to that country from all around the world, and you meet many new people and globals always take place in June-July. The TOC (Tournament of Champions) happens every year at Yale University and it takes place in December.

Events at WSC

1. Debates (Regionals, Globals, and TOC)

Each team debates three times, on motions across all the subjects, from policy to poetry. You may be arguing whether parents should have access to surveillance cameras at schools—or whether women make better superheroes. The debate is your chance to apply all that you’ve learned to make the most persuasive case you can. And, win or not, after each debate, you’ll give the other team feedback on how to improve.

Each of you will speak up to 4 minutes. But first, you’ll have 15 minutes to research your argument, with full access to the Internet. Use your time—and choose your sources—wisely!

Two-thirds of our students have never debated before; over half are EFL learners. The rest sign up because they’re debaters. For new debaters, it’s a great introduction; for experienced debaters, it’s a challenging new style.

After each round, each team gives constructive feedback to the other team on how to improve. Winning teams then face other winners—and non-winners other non-winners. The result: the teams with the least experience have the opportunity to gain more, and everyone becomes a better debater by the end of the day.


2. Scholar's Challenge (Regionals, Globals, and TOC)

It’s multiple-choice, so make multiple choices. The Challenge looks like any other test, but with an alpaca-powered twist: you can mark more than one answer per question. The fewer you mark, the more points you can earn if you’re right. (Yes, that means you can finally guess C and D... and also A, B, and E.) Apply your knowledge of the six subjects successfully and you can win medals in one, two, or all of them.

You’ll soon discover what all World Scholars do: that even if you think you’re an expert in science, you might win a medal in the arts, and that the best way to prepare for a test that touches on everything is to talk through it all with your team, day by day.


3. Collaborative Writing (Regionals, Globals, and TOC)

Debate with the power of your pen.

You’ll be given six statements, each from a different subject area, and asked to choose one to argue for or against. You’ll first have 30 minutes to prepare with your teammates, then an hour by yourself to compose the most persuasive essay possible, then 15 more minutes to work together at the end. Here’s the catch: each member of your team has to choose a different topic. Bring straws.


4. Scholar's Bowl (Regionals, Globals, and TOC)

Every team in the theater. Every team with a clicker. Every question harder than the one before. Your team will work together to solve analytic questions and multimedia challenges. Click your answers before time runs out, and don’t be surprised if you’re asked to connect a poem you studied to a clip from Game of Thrones.

It’s loud. You might even hear a team shout the wrong answer— hoping you’ll click it.

It's strategic. What will you and your teammates do when you disagree?

Remember, it's not the first team to answer correctly that gets all the credit. You’re all racing the clock. But, the clock is fast and the stakes are high.


5. Scavenger Hunt (Globals and TOC)

The scavenger hunt takes place during globals and TOC because there is a small team made and there is one person form each country and you are given tasks to follow and find out the answer to all, they include go to this shop and take a picture with the chef or something like that. It's prominently a way of getting to know new people and making new friends also. It's also a good way of learning to cooperate with people from a country you didn't even know existed.


CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.




We had a soap-making workshop in our school held by the Soap Opera. In this workshop, we learned how to make soap using an everyday used material, oil. The materials used in the making of this natural soap are oil, lye, and other natural things. This soap making workshop was held in our school, in our chemistry lab. After this workshop we got results and the soaps were good, in a way we could use them. We, in the club Love Ocean Life wanted to change the bad soap in our school to healthy soap and so we decided that we will make soap again once after school and try it out, so we can bring a change in our own school first.

In this soap making workshop, we learned many things that we might’ve not even thought about before, before using soap. The soap that we use in everyday life, it goes through pipes and ends up in the ocean, that makes the water toxic and the fishes, the marine animals, or any other animal that drinks water from that part of the ocean, gets toxic in them and then that becomes one of the reasons they die and the main reason behind that is the inorganic soap that is being used all around the world.

After the end of the soap making workshop, me and two other people made a list of materials and the procedure, so we can remake the soaps, on our own.


  1. Hot plate

  2. Electric Beater

  3. Beakers

  4. Weighing scale

  5. Two bowls (BIGGER bowl)

  6. Metal pot

  7. Spoon/stirrer (stainless steel, ceramic, lab stirrer)

  8. Decorations (edible ingredients)

  9. Mold (juice bottles)

  10. PH prob  


  1. Put calculations of the number of things we have in the SoapCalc app 

  2. Heat up the oil 85 degrees celsius

  3. Pour the right amount of water (that the soap calc provides) into a bowl.

  4. Take another bowl and measure the amount of NaOH needed.

  5. In the water bowl, slowly pour the NaOH and stir it with the water until the lye completely mixes with the water and leave it for 10 minutes to cool

  6. Then get an electric beater and stir the mixture of water+NaOH+oil in a pot

  7. Once it becomes a custard-like texture, lower the heat and let it cool for 15 minutes

  8. Keep stirring the mixture until it forms a huge bubble on the surface.

  9. Then remove it from the heat and keep stirring until a gel consistency forms and then put it back onto the heat for 35 minutes on low heat

  10. Stir it until the consistency seems like wax

  11. Pour it into the molds

  12. Fully flatten up the surface and remove the air bubbles.

  13. You can either freeze it for 2-3 hours or keep it in a room for a few days and unmold your soap when it is completely dry. 


I think following this instruction you would have never succeeded with soap. The beginning is good. But you totally forgot to measure the oil. 1. Measure oil & put it on a hot plate to heat. 2. Measure water .3. measure lye. Mix lye crystals into the water until 100% dissolved. When the oil & lye solution will be the same T around 60-70 degree. Mix together and use a blender to blend until it looks like custard. After it put the mixture on heat. It should go through the gel phase and that reach the wax phase. When it looks like glue or smashed potatoes. Check Ph with litmus papers or via Zap test. If the soap is ready to start adding herbs/ scents.




STEP 1: We planned everything out very accurately and we also distributed the work equally. We had some confusions, but then eventually everything was tied back together and we started with the soap making process.

STEP 2: We started following the steps that we got, but some parts of it were kind of confusing and we couldn’t recall the things that well. So, we researched for another website and we followed that along as well, before following that, we compared it with our steps and they were very similar, so we continued. 

STEP 3: We got our results and our results were unsuccessful because our soap was extremely basic and e tried tasting a bit, because that’s necessary and the soap stung our tongues.

STEP 4: We made a list of things that we thought we might’ve done wrong, and we decided to keep those things in mind, especially when we try making the soap, the next time.


  • Materials

    • Water- 424.6 g

    • NaOH- 191.7 g

    • Palm Oil- 1150.21g

      • 600+550+111.3= 1260

    • Soy- 153.88 g

  • Possibilities

    • The temperature of oil was not 85 at the start

    • NaOH solution had stuff floating around

      • The wood spatula was used to stir. Possible effect?

    • Litmus paper showed a Ph ranging from 10-12

      • Stings the tongue

      • Should try using a Ph probe

    • The correct grams of palm oil were not fed into SoapCalc.

      • Original value: 1260

      • Put in value: 1150



This whole workshop and making the soap experience taught me many things. The reason I chose soap as something I would like to work on is that soap is something that is related to us and the marine or animal life and if I can do something to improve on it, I will do it. This soap making experience is very important to me because I’ve learned many new things, and the second experience is basically a way to distribute my knowledge to others, by implementing on it around the school first.




CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


This presentation was given by me and 2 other leaders of the club Love Ocean Life. Since we had tried to make the soap without the Bangkok Soap Opera, we initiated to share our results with the teachers of our school and we eventually also had an open discussion at the end and we got everyone's ideas. The information in the presentation included the soap making steps, and an overview that we had at the end. Some other things included in the presentation were saving plastic presentation since that week was Earth Week in our school and also we discussed a bit with the teachers if they could help us out and contribute to our future plans. We got ideas like changing the bad and harmful soap found in our school to natural and completely safe soap. Below is the presentation we shared with everyone in the event.



There are so many things that I learned through this presentation, one prominent lesson was teamwork and that is very important in life. I learnt to work with different people and also understand what they mean to say. This was the first time that we as Love Ocean Life leaders presented or showed something we did and it was very memorable. This presentation also taught me to admit my mistake, we admitted our mistake and also started what we thought our mistake might’ve been. We also accepted the failure we got and also this failure was something that might lead to our success in the upcoming years or in the future.





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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


This picture was taken when I was taking care of the Smile’s Booth and it was during International Day. I was working with 2 other people to take care of the booth and in the booth, we were selling Smile’s shirts, cardholder to put behind the phone case, and lottery tickets. This booth taught me many things, it taught me to be responsible and take care of a booth, it also taught me to be more cooperative with the people I worked with. I came to know new people because of this booth experience and more than all, I got to take part and help for a global issue and also I got to help kids out with cliff pallet by collecting money for them and also promoting people to help them out in any way possible for them.


CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


This event took place in a school named NIST International School. The event Mixed Up, was for raising awareness for the Slow Loris. This event was the first-ever booth I had organized in my life. Some of the things we had in the booth were posters, a game, a hen design stall, and food. We went to this event representing the club Love Ocean Life. We had a lot of success and we learned a lot from this first time organizing a booth experience.



In the club of Love Ocean Life, we have weekly meetings, every Friday. We started preparing for this event 1 week before the real day. Firstly, we distributed the work among people by making a google sheet and letting everyone sign up. After all the roles were distributed, we made a google sheet for signups and we also made a google doc where we posted all the hens designs we could possibly make on people. The pictures below include the signups for the slots for the timings at Mixed Up and also include the henna designs chosen.



Everyone had their jobs in the booth and everyone knew what they had to do. We printed out the signup sheet, so everyone could keep track of their time at the booth. We sold many things, and we taught many new things to many new people. At the end moment, we got to know 15 minutes before the booths were going to start that we have to sell the LWL (Love Wild Life) shirts too, that was amazing but required more work. We split the work and we all worked as a team and we eventually got everything done, and gained a lot of profit. We had many happy customers and students that we sold so many things to.



After the Mixed Up Booth, I learnt many new things. Things got a bit messed up during the booth because people weren’t showing up on time and some people were being irresponsible. I as one of the leaders, had to take one of the biggest step in, which I shouldn’t have because there were members of the club. I had to tie everyone up, and finally, we had a great success. I learnt that maybe you might have a big club, but not everyone is dedicated and also not everyone actually shows up when it comes to doing work and taking part in work, and contributing.



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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


As the leader of the club Love Ocean Life, I made designs for the club’s logo and then we had a vote upon the designs and eventually we chose the logo for our club. There had to be a meaning behind each logo and so did mine. The first picture represented how our whole club is inside or correlated to marine life and will only stay within those boundaries. The second picture, is more simple and I thought we can have a hashtag that everyone follows and so it becomes something famous, and so whenever someone does something good for the ocean, they can post a picture and write #loveoceanlife as a caption or something and that would encourage others to protect the marine life and the oceans as well.


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CAS Outcomes: 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


I’ve been to TEDx twice in my high school career and TEDx is one place I get to learn so many new things and meet many new people. I love attending this event because I get to go to different booth’s and also learn new things in those booths in different ways. Some people explain their booth in a verbal explanation, others have a visual presentation, others might also act things out for you. There are so many useful things that you can buy there, for example, reusable material like cups, and other things like bamboo straws to save and protect our earth.

This time, I went to help in the Shark Guardian’s Booth, and there we received a beautiful presentation from the Manta Ray’s foundation about the general life and living style of a Manta. The presentation was an hour long and the things we learned included their life, from beginning to end, their safety, their communication, and also their relationship with other animals and things. After we finished the presentation, there was a short game on Manta’s that was played by everyone watching the presentation.



Overall, this presentation was something I will always look forward to watching and understand again. This presentation taught me very important things about Manta’s that I never even heard of before. This presentation also taught me a bit about safety in the water when you go diving. I will look forward to more educational presentations like this in the future. This presentation will always be memorable for me.

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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


This event took place at Wells Thonglor Campus, which is another campus of my school that is at Thonglor and only goes up till grade 2. This presentation’s main purpose was to teach the kids about the 3 R’s, reduce, reuse, and recycle. We gave the kids a presentation, that is below this paragraph and we also brought things as examples to make the kids visualize on what they can do at home to help the earth. Not only that, we also had a small quiz at the end of the presentation and the kids that could give the right answers, got small gifts, like small recycled bracelets, or small posters, or anything small that we had made from the recycled material in our school. This experience was very memorable because the kids learned many new things and also they enjoyed the presentation a lot and we could see that in their reactions after each slide was over. Overall, this was a very fun and memorable experience.


After we finished presenting, I was given the responsibility to write a newsletter along with 2 other students, and we wrote it and it got published in our newsletter.​


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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


This booth was set up during one day in lunchtime to raise awareness for cats. We also sold other things like Paw’s shirts, Paw’s bracelets, and cupcakes. There were many new things I learned from this experience. This booth taught me many things, it taught me to be responsible and take care of a booth, it also taught me to be more cooperative with the people I worked with. I came to know new people because of this booth experience and more than all, I got to take part and help for a global issue.



CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance, 7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


This was an event planned out by me and 2 other people, we planned it out as the leaders of the club Love Ocean Life. We had been planning out this event for a month before the real event at Petchaburi. So, we had planned out to have a beach cleanup at first and then go to WFFT. But, there was a change of plan around 20 days before the event. There were many changes at the end moment too. me, the two other people who planned out the event with me, and our advisor met up around 15 days before the event and we planned out everything according to the cost and all that and we were going to stay at airbnb, but later that house got booked and we eventually had to book a hotel and it was a great hotel and it was completely worth it. The price that was charged was 3,500 and everyone thought this event was worth it and it was a great experience. Somethings learned from this planning out is that sometimes people might now agree to what you say and also you might now agree to what others say and so that can lead to further complications and can affect the event itself. Another thing I learnt was that working with different people is good, because working with the same people won’t get you much, because you won’t learn to coordinate and talk to and share your ideas with other people who might have better ideas and might get along very well with you. Overall, this planning out event for the Petchaburi trip was very helpful and also very fun overall, all I could say to describe the event was worth it and I would love to plan out and go to events like the again very soon.



CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


This was my first internship and it was an amazing experience overall. I learned so many new things and also I met so many new people through this internship. I did this internship for 4 weeks with my friend. We learned things like making wires, using voltage to make a car run, and also making a car that moves without using hands. The car that we made move wasn’t wireless, but the wheels moved in the same way. our professor was professor Songpol. We also had a presentation given to us by a student at Mahidol in the seminar room, it was about Biochemical and Biomedical engineering. This experience was very memorable because the machine we made was something that took around 4 people to complete, but we 2 people did it in a very nice way. We also coded the messages for the machine so that it would move and we used the application called Arduino and we also used a few other applications that were mainly used for coding and also the board we used was Arduino nano board and the reason it was nano was that the mega board wasn’t available. Overall, this experience was amazing and it made me learn many new things that I didn’t even know existed before I took part in this internship.



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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively, 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.



This is a picture of the whole Greenhawks team and this is prominently a club that helps save the earth, as wells as save trees and prevent the use of trees to make papers. Through this club, I met many new people and I also got to know other foundations, an example would be Paper Rangers, that makes books for kids in government schools to write on and the books are made out of recycled paper. Another important thing I learned from this group is a leader was, teamwork, collaboration, and working with new people. This club has changed me a lot and has also made me a more responsible and cooperative person in general. I will always love this club and will always remember the memorable trips I had and organized with Greenhawks.



CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


This is a picture of our PAW’s committee and this is prominently a club that is for helping stray cats and also for protecting them form danger. I joined this club because I had a fear of cats and I wanted to get rid of that fear, and that was a form of a challenge for me. I also went to the PAW’s home for cats, and there I got rid of most of my fear and also I started loving cats to an extent. Another important thing I learnt from this group is a leader was, teamwork, collaboration, and working with new people. This club has changed me a lot and has also made me a more responsible and cooperative person in general. I will always love this club and will always remember the memorable trips I had and organized with paws.



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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


I have been in Love Ocean Life as a member for 2 years and then I became the leader of that club in 2018, and have been the leader since then. This was the first-ever club that I was the leader of and I have learned a lot from this club. This club has been very close to my heart because this is that one club, I have dedicated a lot of time to. We’ve had many events in this club, like Whale watching, beach cleanups, mangrove cleanups, WFFT, overnight trips, and many more memorable experiences. Another important thing I learned from this group is a leader was, teamwork, collaboration, and working with new people. Since I was a leader, I had a lot of responsibility and nothing would’ve happened without the 2 other leaders helping me out. This leadership has changed me a lot and has also made me a more responsible and cooperative person in general. I will always love this club and will always remember the memorable trips I had and organized with Love Ocean Life.




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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.


I have been in the Smiles club for a year now and it’s a great club where you can learn multiple things and meet many new people. The main motif of the Smiles Club is to help with kids that have cliff-pallet and that’s by doing their operations. In our club, there are the leaders of the club that go to hospitals and visualize the operations taking place on little newborn babies. Our school has even gotten the opportunity to try out a few operations and they were successful I believe. Being in this club has made me a completely different person because I see the little newborn babies going through so much pain and problem and fixing those problems for them is a complete pleasure that a person can get. This club is very helpful and has made me a completely different and better person in general.



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CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I learned piano for two years now and I know how to play many songs on it. I did Piano classes as an after school activity in Wells. I learned many new things from that Piano class. I didn’t only learn new songs, but also made many new friends. This piano class was the class that I looked forward to. I know ho to play 3 instruments: piano, guitar, and xylophone. Out of these 3 instruments, the one I know to play the most fluently is piano because I did it or the longest amount of time and also because playing the piano is not that difficult.



Learning the piano was a very memorable experience and it was also an experience that taught me many new things and many new songs. I will always love playing the piano and learning new things about the piano. I wouldn’t want to make playing the piano a career, but it will always be my passion and also will always be my number one hobby. One more thing I learned from this class was feeling the music and understanding it, because music is a language without words, and if you manage to understand it, you will succeed in it surely.




CAS Outcomes: 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. 


I had learned the guitar for 6 months. I had a teacher coming home to teach me the basics of a guitar. I learnt many things in these 6 months and some of the things I learned included most of the basics and several songs I played with my teacher. The names of those songs were Springs Message, Sur Le Pont D’ Avignon, Les Elefantes, Tom Dooley, Abuse, and Polka. Learning the guitar was not really new for me, because I have learned the piano for two years and I was more comfortable with instruments because the guitar was the second instrument I learned. Though I have played other instruments in school for events and shows, I am most comfortable with the piano and xylophone.



Learning the guitar is painful and hard. It’s painful because holding on to the chords is a big task because it starts hurting your fingers after a while. It’s hard because it’s not like piano or any other instrument where there are many keys, a guitar just had a few metal strings, and you have to play a melody or rhythm out of those strings. Learning a guitar was something I enjoyed though because it was the third instrument I learned to play and also because I had a great time in the class, the teacher was very fun to talk to and I used to look forward to the two hours of guitar lessons on Saturday’s.

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