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BNH Healthcare center, andheri

Helper in an Old Age Home (December 2019 – January 2019)

I worked over there for quite a while as a helper and my role as a helper was to spend some time with the elders there and make them feel like I am someone they have lost as a family member. Most of the elders there lost someone very close to their heart, and I was given the job to make them feel like they found that family member in me.
I played games with them, talked to them, ate food with them, and helped them out in their problems. Most of the time, I would just listen to them talk, which is
something they wouldn't usually get to do, since no one would listen to them spill their lives and problems out to someone.
The purpose for taking a part in this work experience was to understand and step inside the shoes of people that I have never really thought about. It was possibly something I did to see my future and give them something I would want as an elder in the future.  Making them feel found and loved was incredible because I achieved my goal of creating a strong bond between them and me, which made me feel accomplished and also gave me the experience of working with elders, which is something that will be quite helpful in terms of the path I want to pursue in the future, which is being a doctor. Working with one kind of people made me realize that there are so many different kinds of people and I was so privileged to work with them and give them the love so many people want, but don't receive.

National taiwan university (NTU), taiwan

Biochemical Engineering (April 7, 2018 – April 17, 2018)

This work experience included working with various other students and following the footsteps of engineers and professors. There were various and delightful things that I learnt in this experience, we performed highly technological experiments such as CPR and DNA replication and also dissected a rat. We would attend lectures and gain unlimited knowledge about engineering and biology. Meeting new people and making new friends was one of the highlights of this experience, this made me a more confident person and very interactive in social situations. The experience was located in the National Taiwan University and consisted of Mechanics, Biology, Engineering, and Chemistry. The purpose of this experience for me was to learn new things and enhance all the knowledge I gain, and use that knowledge to choose a path to pursue for the future. This experience helped me a lot for achieving my purpose and made me a completely new and skilled person. 

Premed projects, london

Medical Student (June 2019 – July 2019)

This experience consisted of following the footsteps of doctors, medical students, medical professors, and other healthcare professionals. This experience was a couple of weeks long and taught me some amazing things. Some of the skills I gained during this experience included following instructions very precisely, being more attentive, taking good notes, and being very collaborative and interactive. Following people that I dream to become one day was something incredible and experiencing that was completely life changing. This experience made me more sure about my choice of pursuing medicine in the future. We took part in learning about patients, CPR, general healthcare training, blood drawing, dissection of animals, dissection of cadavers, DNA replication, cancer cells, and working in a hospital environment. Meeting new people from all around the world with a similar interest was something I would never give back, it made me a new person and made me so much more open and collaborative with other peers. The purpose of this was to experience something in the medical field and see if I made the right choice by choosing medical as my future career, and it turned out that I was completely right about my choice.

Medconsult clinic, bangkok

Helper in a Clinic (December 2019 – December 2019)

This experience was the one experience that gave me a real life experience. It was the first job that I got paid for and my job was to help out in the clinic. This was a general clinic where daily checkups would happen and botox would take place. One of the highlights would be working under time pressure for a real job. This made me realize how difficult real life jobs are and how these activities related to time management in school help us and prepare us for the real world. Another realisation that I got was that it is very difficult to earn money in the real world, having everything and being a privileged student it is not really recognised by me, but working an entire day for a daily wage is a tough job. Pleasing patients and making sure there is no pressure or annoyance from their side was a difficult job, but it made me more interactive and skilled in dealing with them. The purpose of this experience was to have a real life job experience and point out the differences compared to the internships that I usually take a part in with all the privileges. Getting a real life experience was worth it since it gives an image of what one is going to do everyday if they choose it as their profession.

"glows unique u" women empowerment drive

Event Organizer (March 2019 – April 2019)

I took part in organising a very well known event for women empowerment in Bangkok, Thailand with a few other empowered women. The job included setting up the event, hosting, registration, promotion of the event, and helping the guests out with the queries. The purpose of this experience was to portray my leadership skills and make them stronger through this event and also to play a small role in women empowerment and use this platform to bring even the smallest change possible.

mahidol university, thailand

Mechanical / Biochemical Engineering Student (June 2018 – July 2018)

This experience was done over the summer of 2018 and taught me various different things about mechanics and physics. I made a robot and worked on its coding to make a functioning robot and enhance more knowledge in this branch of the STEM field. The purpose of this experience was to do something new and something that I thought I wouldn't really enjoy, this brought me out of my comfort zone and made me realize that I enjoy such a thing too. I also became very interactive while working and coordinating with professors and students at the university.

online hospital and clinical Work experience Working with a doctor

Intern at a Clinic/Hospital (July 1, 2020 – July 31, 2020)

My initial plan was to work in a hospital and clinic during the summer time for a month to gain experience from a family doctor, however, since the pandemic arose, going to the hospital or clinic became quite dangerous. But, I didn't want the unpredicted situation to ruin my plan of gaining some medicine related work experience, therefore, I consulted my family doctor to do an online work experience with him for a couple of hours everyday for my summer holidays. The plan was to video call him in his clinic (during the evening time) and hospital (during the morning time) and observing, taking notes, and watching all the little steps he takes in communicating, consulting, and diagnosing patients. Although I wasn't present in the hospital and clinic, I got a complete insight of what it is like working in there with the pressure and danger of a contagious virus going around. Getting a hands on virtual experience of the hospital and clinical environment and meeting patients of various kinds of diseases and symptoms taught me so much about things to consider when working under such critical conditions. I worked my best with the assignments I was assigned after every day of the work and would submit them all in on time. Having access to the documents of patients who gave me consent to study their file and reports was a great benefit. I worked with a couple of COVID 19 patients as well through the doctor and got reports sent me to based on their daily progress after they gave me consent. Although I experienced people passing away due to the corona virus while my experience, I learnt so much from them and their hard experiences and also all their strength that kept them going during these difficult time. Finally, after daily check-ins, meeting patients, studying reports, files with diseases, symptoms, and cures, and finishing assignments, the four week experience was finished. Although I didn't get to be physically present during the experience, I learnt a lot from the virtual aspect and also had a lot of hands on work to complete since I wasn't present.I learnt to make the most out of what we have rather than mourning for what we don't because what we have in Thailand is so much than what others do in other countries during this time of crisis. I have learnt so much from this work experience and I am so grateful for completing it and gaining so much of knowledge, love, and forming new connections with people I would have never met without taking a part in this. 

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